Tech Tips

Google TV vs Android TV: What Are the Differences?

With the popularity of projectors, more and more projectors are using smart systems. In this guide, we will compare Google TV vs Android TV, helping you to understand their differences.

Google TV vs Android TV

Android TV can be described as the TV version of Google’s Android operating system, which was first released in Jun 2014. Android TV systems are widely adopted by many TV producers and projector suppliers. With the system, you can access content and download various apps in the Google Play store conveniently.

Android TV system| Source: Google

You may be interested in Android TV vs Android OS.

Google TV is a new system and has improved a lot based on Android TV. It is better in terms of the user interface, content management, and personal recommendation. The Google TV system refines and improved the user experience and pays more attention to personalized things. In addition, the user interface is also different.

The Google TV system also has some functional changes in live TV programming. It has an entire tab for live TV.

Google TV system|Source: Google

You can know their differences by means of the table below.

Android TVGoogle TV
Operating systemAndroidAndroid
User interface App rows App rowsTabs& personal recommendations
App storeGoogle Play StoreGoogle Play Store
Google AssistantYesYes
Google StadiaYesYes
Personal watchlistsNoYes
Live TVYesDedicated Live tab
Smartphone controlGoogle Home appGoogle Home & Google TV app
User profilesNoYes
Kids profilesNoYes
Personal watchlistsNoYes

After comparing the two systems, we can conclude that Google TV has many exclusive features such as personal watchlists and user profiles but it has more ads compared with Android TV.

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