Mini Projectors

How to Choose Input Settings of ZTE Spro 2 Projector?

This tip shows you how to choose input settings of ZTE Spro 2 Projector, hope it’s helpful.

Choose the input method settings by tapping Home Button > SETTINGS > System > Language & input.
In the KEYBOARD & INPUT METHODS section, you can set the default input method and choose the settings for each installed input method. Tap a checkbox next to a keyboard type to enable that option.

In addition to the preinstalled keyboard and input methods, you can install other text input apps and change the input method freely.

  1. When you use the on-screen keyboard to enter text, the icon of keyboard appears on the status bar.
  2. Open the Notifications panel and tap Choose input method.
  3. Select the input method you want.

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ZTE Spro 2 Projector Google Voice Typing Tip

How to Text on ZTE Spro 2 Projector?

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